Tournament TIME! Positive Competition

The one thing I really don’t like about the Karate Kid movies is their depiction of martial arts tournaments. While it’s true that there are some that are that way ( yes those Cobra Kai schools do exist out there) Taekwondo United tournaments are way different. You won’t see any of the instructors yelling at their students for losing. You won’t see instructors or students arguing about calls or points or calling out names. You won’t see kids getting intentionally hurt to score a point. You won’t see nasty parents who have lost their minds, (well, if you do, you won’t see them for very long!). What you will see is positive competition. You will see instructors saying “Good job” no matter what the outcome, or from what school the student comes from . You will see high fives given to the child who lost in sparring as well as those that won. You will see instructors and competitors congratulate and shake hands, even hug the person that just beat them sparring.  Most importantly, you will see me and the other instructors and school owners swell with pride at how each of our students are there, and that all are doing their best, because that is the only thing that is most important to us.

So once this crisis passes us by we hope to be back in full swing and hosting our March national event here in Dallas. We hope to see our demo team compete locally and win! But until that time we will be hosting a virtual tournament on a national scale! Students will be given the opportunity to compete in form, free design, weapons (multiples if the like) board breaking and sparring combinations. All this will be done via video submissions! So stay tuned. Look for the virtual national tournament advertisements coming soon and the registration link on Strickland’s Martial Arts MyStudio app.

Being a student is tough work.



“Getting Better”