There are four types of education in today’s society. The first is FAMILY education. It is the foundation of all four educational systems. Individuals accumulate the first bits of knowledge form their family, including discipline, integrity, responsibility, morality, ethics, and traditional American values. The second is SOCIAL education, the accumulation of practical knowledge we get from interacting with friends and acquaintances. The third is ACADEMIC education, the learning of knowledge through a combination of teachers and textbooks provided by our current school system. The fourth is SELF education, the gathering of knowledge by teaching ourselves.

Martial Arts training is in my opinion is a combination of all four educations. Participation in this school develops role models and builds a strong foundation of moral values. Taekwondo United and this school act as a large family. The instructors teach the students, and the students themselves work towards self-improvement by teaching themselves. The obtainable goals set before each student educates and encourages them towards life long self-education through hard work and traditional work ethics. If everyone truly understood these benefits, martial arts would be a part of everyone’s everyday life. Many people however simply take class because it’s fun or a close place to go. True the classes, camps, and tournaments are fun, but they are much more than that. They are educational and empowering. The traditional family values, discipline, and self-esteem are just a few of the amazing results martial arts training offers. As an educational tool martial arts training is a way of life that everyone should participate in.

Being a student is tough work.

Leadership in the Studio


Tournament TIME! Positive Competition