
The scissors cut the paper. The paper covers the rock. The rock crushes the scissors. Is not playing a child’s game like rock, paper, scissors a waste of time? No, in games, sometimes children can teach us more than what we learn in books. So you must look beyond the game, as you look beyond the surface of the pool to see its depths. In this game each in turn conquers the other. There is no stronger or weaker. This is the harmony of nature and therefore it is not a waste of time. This is the lesson and therefore the treasure of such a game.

There are three treasure that each student should live by. The first one is mercy. From mercy comes courage. Having the courage to show mercy is nothing small. The second is frugality, from which comes generosity to others. The third is humility and from humility comes leadership. How should one hold these treasures? In memory? No, not in memory, but in deeds. It is through deeds that one grows.

Being a student is tough work.

Unspoken Lessons


Super hero