Super hero

Most people tend not to act like victims after they begin martial arts training. This is because of the confidence that is built within the martial arts studio along with skills for self-defense, no you won’t be a super hero but you will learn to handle yourself in a bad situation if the need arises. This confidence and skill will, of course, come with patience and practice. Interestingly though, so will the realization that you will probably never have to use these skills for the purpose of self-defense.

Taekwondo on a whole is a devastating ancient martial art that is very simple to learn. I often refer to the other more complex and difficult to learn martial arts like, Kali, Eskrima, Jujutsu and Akido, by comparison. As an art form it is much easier to learn a swift Taekwondo kick or punch, than it is to learn a wrist-lock or disarm. You cannot put a price on being able to handle yourself confidently in an undesirable situation. Being able to react automatically and instantaneously, with mind or body, when threatened is the very reason ancient monks first conceived idea of martial arts training to begin with.

By training hard, focusing on the tasks at hand, and staying true to course, every student has the potential to develop self confidence, and there is no greater feeling in the world than knowing that you have the confidence to handle yourself. So keep your chin up! Come to class develop and your skills, build your confidence and with respect and discipline you too could be like a super hero!

Being a student is tough work.

