
Everyone has one, a breaking point. A point where you look at yourself and say, “I can’t take another step. I am done. I just can’t do it.”  We have all felt it at sometime or another.  We have all been there.  So what happened?  Did you quit?  Or did you keep going?

I was talking to student the other day that is not real thrilled about sparring.  You see in our school, we do spar quite a bit. Why is she afraid of sparring?  To be honest, she’s afraid of being hit.  Every time I tell her to put on her gear, I can see her tribulation. I see her put on her gear, get out there and do the best she can at her talent level.  Is she good? No, he is OUTSTANDING.  She has more natural talent than most people have.  But she is apprehensive about sparring.  However, every time she puts her gear on, she gives me her best.  And every time, I respect her more. Why? Because courage is having the strength to overcome what you are afraid of doing or don’t believe you can do.  Without the fear, there is no courage and thus, no glory.

I have students that are afraid of being in front of people and preforming a form, or that are afraid to break their boards.  I have students that are afraid of getting hit in sparring, or are afraid of not meeting their parent’s expectations. I have students that are afraid because they are old or because it is something new.   Yet every day they are here at the school they persevere. They overcome their individual fears.  And every day, I respect them more. Why?  Because they inspire me. They make me face my inner fears, my weaknesses and my shortcomings.  As any good Instructor does, I find inspiration in my students because while I encourage and challenge them, they encourage me and each other to rise to levels none of us ever could accomplish alone.

Everyone has a breaking point.  When I found myself there, as I have several times in my life, I have always found the courage to say, “You can do it!”  That is when I took that next step to accomplish what I was ready to give up on.  That is when I found the inner strength to succeed. That is when I made what I thought was impossible, possible.  When you see someone struggle, no matter when no matter where, no matter what the reason, remember, it is your time to encourage them, to give them some of your strength so they can find their own.  With proper encouragement, anything is possible.

Being a student is tough work.

Why we compete?
