Children Are Great Imitators

Children learn from the world around them. Be it their parents, teachers, coaches, friends or anyone around, they tend to repeat what others do, thinking that being like others is the right thing to do. Yes, children are great imitators. Hence you should be careful about what they see around them so that they imitate what is right.

At different stages of their lives, children look up to different personalities. Sometimes, it would be their teachers, or friends who are popular, or relatives. But the greatest impact that occurs in a child’s life would be from their parents. Yes, the try to ape parents, because as we said before, inherently, children are great imitators.

Hence it is your duty to give them something great to imitate, isn’t it? Before uttering a word in front of the child, think several times about the impact it could have on their psyche and future at large. You should be ideal human beings. It doesn’t mean that you should make them perfect. But you ought to at least give them something that they can apply. A good gesture, maybe. Like helping someone in need. Or like having savings.

It is not reserved for how you talk and behave. It also applies to what they see around. For instance, movies and cartoons. Make sure that your child is watching movies and cartoons that are appropriate for them. Unfortunately, we don’t have a strong censoring system when it comes to television. Hence, it is the parents’ duty to regulate what they watch and hear.

So, are you giving your child something great to imitate? If so, share it in the comments below. It could be helpful for other parents as well, we never know.

Being a student is tough work.

Katana and Bokken


Changing “I Can’t” to “I Can!”