A question of trust!

Not long ago I had a parent come to me with information about a local instructor from another school that made my blood run cold. At the time, I had just opened this new location and was operating on a high. I knew the new school was going to be something unique and special for the area! So nothing could have scared me more than this information. It was information about a martial arts school where the instructor had just been charged for inappropriately touching one of his underage female students. My concern was obvious. That all people would assume that all martial arts instructors were this way. I had to explain to the parent the types of standards that are enforced in a professional school like ours.

First, I do believe what has helped our school over time more than anything else to get through incidents like these, was that I have a young lady teaching in this school, namely Ms. Anderson. Second that all my instructors are brought up under my watchful eye, and know what they can and cannot say or do on the floor. None are hired from the street. Third, was the location I chose to open my school, for I know for a fact that one of my competitors up the road from me has a registered sex offender working right next door to his school in the same shopping center. Even worse the instructor’s policy has been to keep it hush- hush so as not to upset anyone. A reassuring thought for a parent I’m sure.

Predators, by their very nature, operate in places where the institution is looked at as a positive place for kids and the trust of the parents is easily granted. Predators are master manipulators and will slowly worm their way into those organizations posing as a benefactor and an all around great person. This gives them the time to pick their victims. When the predator thinks the time is right, it will get what it desires. I know the greatest fear parent’s have is a stranger abduction. In reality, the odds of that happening are less than them being struck by a bolt of lightning. The reality is most children are made victims by someone they KNOW. Parents have to keep a wary eye on any institution or person they entrust with their kids. If something doesn’t feel right about it, your instincts are probably correct and further investigation on your part may be needed. President Reagan said it best. “Trust, but verify!” So exactly what standards do we enforce at this school? Simply ask yourself these questions. Do we allow students in the school earlier than 15 minutes before the first class unattended? Do we have an observation area for the parents? Are parents welcome to watch class at any time? Do we have overnight events in the school? Do instructors transport students? Do you ever see instructors in enclosed areas with students? Do you see inappropriate contact with students? Of course not! Why? Every instructor in this school is trained, retrained, and trained again to prevent even the possibility of something like that happening. Besides Mr. Strickland would have their head!

Unfortunately we cannot police our competitors, or the decisions that the instructors at those locations make, any more than we can the parent’s decision to enroll their child at that particular school. The simple truth is there is no BAR Association for martial arts schools. Anyone with a black belts and a little training can open a school and teach. What we can do however is relay to each parent the level of trust that we have in our instructors and school for the safety and sanctity of your child while they train here.

Being a student is tough work.

Sparring Frustration


Am I Ready for the Tournament?