Basic tips to help you develop self-discipline:

*Practice a “can do” attitude. When the way in life is tough, don’t let negativity slow your progress. Focus on accomplishing your goals and overcoming your obstacles.

*Punctuality: Always be on time. When you are self disciplined, you understand that being late is a bad habit that shows disrespect to all who are affected by your tardiness.

*Follow-through on your promises and commitments. You will begin to earn the trust of others, if you keep your promises and fulfill your commitments.

*Be honest with others. Honesty is always the best policy even when it may cause trouble. If you are not honest, then the future repercussions will often be more damaging than if you had been honest in the first place.

*Consistently set new goals to accomplish. Be self disciplined and you’ll always strive to achieve new levels of accomplishments. This means more success and a bright future.

As you can see self-discipline is essentially the heartbeat of your lifestyle. Without its strength, you limit what you are able to accomplish in life. When your heart is strong and it beats regular, then you have the stamina to accomplish much throughout the day. The same goes for self-discipline: Only when it is strong do you maximize your possibilities. Self-discipline also plays a key role in your dedication to martial arts. It takes a lot of self discipline to arrive to class on time, persevere through physical challenges and overcome roadblocks, such as learning new skills, drills, forms, breaking boards, passing a test or sparring for the first time. So if you train with self discipline then you are able to achieve black belt and with that much, much more!

Being a student is tough work.

No Pressure No Diamond


Inside the Do-Jo/Do-Jang