Stricklands Martial Arts

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Spring Fever is Real

I lived in Charlotte for 10 years. Winter there had cold snaps, but there was plenty of sun during the winter months and spring crept up on us slowly as the Dogwoods would start to bloom. So Spring Break was no big deal and no one went anywhere or did anything as our Spring fever was muted because it just wasn’t that big a deal. Here? Holy Moly! Winters here stink. When Spring hits Texas, it IS a big deal. People LEAVE to go on Spring break because it’s usually cold and when the sun and warmth hit, the kids want to go OUTSIDE and socialize with the friends that have been cooped up as well. And I don’t blame them. It is practically Newtonian.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Cooped up all winter = I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE in the spring. That is why this time of year, more than any other, the kids will not want to come to class. You are going to start hearing that they are “tired” of taekwondo, “hate” taekwondo and want to “quit” taekwondo so they can be with their friends. I totally understand. Because Spring fever is real. The treatment? GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY. Climb trees. Ride your bike. Play ball. Get muddy. Run. That is why our schedule is so flexible. It allows you to do all of that and still make it to class twice a week around the other things in your life.

I know parents like to “plan” everything. But if possible, when the weather is nice change your schedule. Let the kids go outside and play instead of going to class today, and go to class tomorrow. We will be here and ready to keep them on track with their training. There are over 112 waking hours in a week. We only ask that you dedicate 2 of them to your training. Even during the spring.