Although most Olympians may be unable to continue in their sport by their mid 30’s, this is something Martial Arts practitioners don’t have to worry about. Success is measured in ones efficiency, not in his or her strength and speed only, as these do diminish with age. In Asia older individuals are respected for their day to day efforts. It is considered an honor to grow old, as infinite wisdom comes with it. It is the life experience’s that an older person has endured that makes them such a valuable part of society.

This philosophy is seen in traditional Martial Arts schools like this one, and it is why everyone in the class greatly respects individuals older than themselves. Although they may not have the same physical skills that some of the younger students may have, they are still held in the highest regards. So if you are over the age of 30 can you still do Martial Arts? Sure. You don’t even have to wait until you’ve shed a few pounds or gotten into better shape. Come as you are. Your body will make the adjustments in class. With age comes patience, and this goes along way with your training, just ask any parent of a teenager. Also you will find that working out in a Martial Arts class also helps reverse the effect of aging. There are many physical benefits as well, including cardio conditioning, strength, and flexibility. Besides all that is just plain fun. So remember, you are never too old to be a student. Over the hill? Not at all.

Being a student is tough work.

Person with the Most Impact on My Life


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