Stricklands Martial Arts

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Old School

I will admit that in “The old days” when I taught classes at my instructors school, Mr. Hoadley we would tell the kids to stop being “wimpy” or to get “tough in class.” That is because in those days, that’s what they understood. They knew they weren’t injured and were just over reacting to a kick or punch. But today’s kids need reassurance more than they need a kick in the butt because they have not yet learned the difference between pain and injury, or what its really like to be hit – hard!

I often tell the student of today to not say “He hit you too hard” when in truth you were just overwhelmed. You are too tough for that! By reassuring them that yes, they are tough and that I understand they are frustrated and not hurt, it allows them to actually face their fears. Once the fear and frustration are under control, you will see their ability and confidence begin to slowly grow. By the time they are black belts, you will see hits that would have sent them home crying at orange or green belt totally ignored because they have become accustomed to the physical contact. Let me be clear. There are NO wimps in my school! If you are on my floor, by definition, you are not a wimp. I never want to hear that kind of self-doubt!

In the old days when I first started class we didn’t even wear safety gear to class. Matter of fact I didn’t get my first set of hand and foot pads until I tested for my 2nd degree black belt! Back then we participated in class and tournaments with no gear. We advanced in rank and fought bare knuckle for trophies in open tournaments where strikes to the head and groin kicks were allowed, along with sweeps and take downs, very much like Cobra-Kai. So don’t be wimpy! You have safety gear on and the rules in class with regard to contact are way tougher than 40 years ago. Besides the wimps are the ones that long to do what you are doing, but are too afraid to take that first step onto the mats! Keep training!