Pre Fight- Fight- Post Fight: Tournament & Real World

Preparing for a tournament or a real world self defense scenario requires a comprehensive approach to training that encompasses physical conditioning, technical & mental preparation, and strategic planning. Here's a breakdown of key aspects:


  1. Tournament Training and overall Preparation: Students should train to build strength, stamina, and the skills specific to the the discipline being practiced. This phase involves physical conditioning, technical training, strategy development, and mental preparation. By focusing on perfecting fundamental techniques such as stances, punches, blocks, strikes, locks, throws, sweeps, and kicks, students build muscle memory and ensure precision and confidence.

  2. Mental Preparation: Students should focus on getting into the right mindset before the competition. This involves visualization to build confidence and focus and by sparring with partners of varying skill levels to simulate tournament conditions.

  3. Warm-Up: Before the match, students should engage in a warm-up routine to prepare their bodies for the physical exertion ahead. This typically includes stretching, shadowboxing, and light exercises to get the blood flowing.

  4. Real World conflict: This phase involves awareness, assessment, and potential avoidance of a confrontation. It's crucial to be attentive to your surroundings, recognize potential threats and bullies, and try to de-escalate situations before they escalate into physical altercations. Techniques such as maintaining a confident yet non-threatening demeanor, using verbal communication to defuse tensions, and practicing situational awareness can be effective in this phase.

    The Fight or Match:

  1. Introduction to competition: Competitors are introduced to the ring, the spectators, and the referees as they go over the rules. Here the competitors can size one another up, looking for strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Rounds: Fighters engage in sparring, employing various techniques and strategies to outmaneuver and defeat their opponent. If the fight is scheduled for multiple rounds or if the competitor wins his first round, the action continues with each round lasting a predetermined amount of time. Competitors may adapt their tactics based on how the match unfolds. The winner is determined by the judges scorecards.

  3. Real World Conflict: If a physical confrontation becomes unavoidable, the fight phase begins. In self-defense, the goal is to protect yourself from harm and escape the situation safely. Techniques such as blocking, striking, grappling, and using improvised weapons (if necessary and legally permissible) may be employed to defend against an attacker. It's important to remember that self-defense techniques should be proportionate to the threat and used only to neutralize the immediate danger posed by the bully or attacker.


  1. Victory or Defeat: The competitors react to the outcome of the match, either celebrating victory or coping with defeat.

  2. Analysis: Coaches and competitors review the match to analyze the students overall performance, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This helps with future training and strategy development for another event.

  3. Real World Conflict: Once the altercation is over, the post-fight phase involves assessing yourself and the situation, seeking medical attention if necessary, and contacting the authorities if a crime has been committed. It's essential to document any injuries, gather witnesses if possible, and cooperate with law enforcement while providing your account of what transpired. Additionally, seeking support from friends, family, or professionals to process the experience emotionally and psychologically can be beneficial in the aftermath of a physical confrontation.

Each stage is crucial in the overall fight experience, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional aspects of both competition and real world conflict.

By addressing each of these areas in your Taekwondo tournament preparation, you can maximize your chances of success and perform at your best on competition day.

In real-life self-defense situations, each phase requires careful consideration and appropriate action to ensure your safety and well-being.

Training in self-defense techniques, maintaining physical fitness, and developing mental resilience can help prepare you to effectively navigate these phases if ever facing a bully or a life threatening situation.

Being a student is tough work.

The Best Version of Yourself!


Viking Code of Conduct and Martial Arts