Stricklands Martial Arts

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Martial Arts and the Fight Against Bullying

Bullying has been a persistent issue affecting many individuals, especially children and teenagers. It can cause long-lasting psychological harm and even lead to physical violence. This is why it is important to equip our children with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle bullying situations. One such tool that has proven to be effective is martial arts.

Here at Strickland’s Martial arts we not only teach physical techniques for self-defense, but we also instill important values such as confidence, respect, and discipline. These values can help children stand up against bullies and make them less vulnerable to bullying behavior. In martial arts, students learn to control their emotions and respond to bullying with assertiveness, rather than aggression.

Moreover, participating in martial arts can help children improve their physical and mental health. Regular training can increase strength, flexibility, and endurance, as well as reduce stress and anxiety. These benefits can contribute to a better overall well-being and make children less likely to become victims of bullying.

In this blog, we will delve deeper into the importance of martial arts in the fight against bullying and answer some frequently asked questions about this topic.


  1. Does martial arts actually work in preventing bullying?
    Yes, martial arts has been shown to be effective in preventing bullying. A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health found that children who participated in martial arts had lower levels of bullying behavior compared to those who did not participate in any physical activity (Kuriyama et al., 2006).

  2. Is martial arts suitable for all children?
    Martial arts can be beneficial for children of all ages, genders, and physical abilities. However, it is important to choose a martial arts program that is appropriate for your child's age, physical ability, and personal interests.

  3. Can martial arts make children more aggressive?
    No, martial arts does not make children more aggressive. In fact, martial arts teaches self-control, discipline, and respect for others, which are important values for preventing bullying behavior.

  4. How does martial arts help children handle bullying situations?
    Martial arts teaches children self-defense techniques, but it also instills important values such as confidence, respect, and discipline. These values can help children stand up against bullies and make them less vulnerable to bullying behavior. In martial arts, students learn to control their emotions and respond to bullying with assertiveness, rather than aggression.

Closing Tip

In the end, martial arts can be a valuable tool in the fight against bullying. By teaching physical techniques for self-defense and important values such as confidence, respect, and discipline, martial arts can help children handle bullying situations and improve their overall well-being.

Please let us know if your child is dealing with bullying issues. Over the last 20+ years we have helped hundreds of kids in the area. We can help yours, too!