Stricklands Martial Arts

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Like a Chuck Norris Movie!

There are many of you I’m sure that have seen a Chuck Norris movie at some time or another. And like me I’m sure that you too, wanted at many times to mute the movie you were watching. However like me I’m sure you knew that there was something to all that yelling. In the Korean langue the word for yell is “ki-hap”. It literally means spirit shout. When people are really frightened they scream. When they are excited they scream. Body builder and weight lifters shout when they are training with heavy weights as it generates power. bAnd just as an intruder is discouraged by the loud barking of a dog, an opponent is discouraged by the shouts of the person facing him.

By learning to vocalize you learn to direct power. Shouting is the natural response of the inner spirit. Just like soldiers yelling and shouting when they charge at the enemy, the shouts in a martial arts class show ones confidence. So do not be afraid to yell. Let loose your spirit shout next time your in class. And when facing a board, yell loud like in a Chuck Norris movie and hit it with confidence and power!