Stricklands Martial Arts

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These last few weeks, I have watched all of my students work hard to get ready for the National tournament to be held here in Dallas at the DFW Hyatt Regency Hotel March 12th and 13th. They have attended more classes, been more focused and have pushed themselves far more than they probably thought they were capable. The desire to do “something great” at this national event has sparked a sense of urgency and drive in those that participate the way very few things can. If you are nervous about participating, or having your child participate in the national tournament, I want to make sure you understand that it isn’t too different from any other competition and that it is perfectly safe. The nationals are just grander, with more participants from other states and a larger scale. But most importantly the nationals are FUN!

Remember, each participant will not find greatness on the tournament floor in March, because they will have already found it the second they decided to compete. Greatness doesn’t come from a ribbon or medal. It doesn’t come from the adulation of a crowd. It comes from something as simple as taking on a challenge. Sure, the winning is fun. But participants find greatness when they set a goal and started doing whatever it takes to achieve that goal. Each tournament participant shows this greatness and no matter the outcome, your instructors are proud of you. You are great because you will take on a challenge few would dare to take. You are great because you have faced your own insecurities and doubts and have entered the field of competition. The only losers are those that have shunned this moment in fear of defeat. To the brave go the spoils and the victories this day. Without the bravery to face whatever outcome may happen, we cannot know the exhilaration of true victory let alone defeat.

As I prepare for this tournament, I wish to say to all of my students that, as their instructor, I am proud of each of you. Yes, I know the tournament hasn’t even started and I don’t yet know the outcomes of any of the day’s events to come, as none of that truly matters. What does matters to me is what you have accomplished already. It’s more than most people dream to achieve. Regardless of the outcome in March, your greatness can never be questioned. YOU ARE GREAT! The moral of all this? Never give in fear and never give up. If you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything!