Goal as a Black Belt

Everything in my life revolves around goals. No matter what I do, whether it's Taekwondo, softball, school, etc., I always want to have a goal and not just accomplish it, but to accomplish it with a good attitude and mind. Becoming a black belt is a huge example for that. Being a black belt takes dedication, desire, and time to be the best that you can. Someone who is a black belt is someone who never gave up, even if they failed numerous of times, took time to correct themselves, and continued to follow their goal. I look at some of the black belts now and think that these people made a huge accomplishment in their lives and I want to be just like them. A black belt is not only an accomplishment, but it also gives a meaning to that person. It shows their hard work, dedication, and shows that they can kick butt! It is a life accomplishment and a huge goal for me.

These past few years I have met some of the greatest people and have made great friends who have helped me become where I am now. As a white belt, people have always told me that you have to start somewhere and of course that was true. Every passing test was another step up the ladder and now I am at the final step to reach my goal. I have learned that failing is an option, but I know that giving up is not an option. I have been in a lot of situations where I feel as if I cannot do it anymore and I have to just quit, but there's that little side of me that tells me to stop thinking that way and just do it and get to your goal with all your strength. If I gave up Taekwondo I would have never got to know the people I met, I would have never gotten to where I am, and I would have felt an unaccomplished goal. Same with softball and other things in life. I think that being a black belt is an example of life. Yes I will fail at things and yes I will be disappointed with myself at times, but I cannot keep thinking that way because where is that going to get me in my future? I might fail in softball or fail in school, but thinking that it's the end of the world will never help me accomplish my goals.

In fact I think failing is a great way to learn from my mistakes and to prevent them in the future. I do not want to be perfect because how will I learn my mistakes? Being honored and respected as a black belt means that I have to honor and respect a black belt ahead of me first. They have earned that right to be called a black belt because they learned from their mistakes and had a desire to accomplish their goal. I want to do the same. Erika Henderson.

Being a student is tough work.



The Fear of it All