Stricklands Martial Arts

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Leadership in Martial Arts

There are two types of people in the world, those that make things happen and those that let things happen. While the majority is the latter, it’s the former that become great leaders of people. Famous people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Dr. Martin Luther King just didn’t sit around and watch the world go by. They went out and changed the world. For the world is an interesting place with many problems, and is a dangerous place at its worst. I for one believe that Martial Arts can help make a difference. It can help the individual develop the leadership qualities needed, such as proper work ethics and traditional moral values, both in and out of the Martial Arts center. Qualities that are so needed in our society to change the world today.

Several ways that Martial Arts can help is by teaching individuals to be leaders as well as goal setting and the means to strive towards those goals, whether its short term like getting stripes on your belt in class or passing your next belt test or school exam, or long term such as becoming a leader in class at the black belt level. This goal setting carries over into the rest of ones life and becomes habit. However just goal setting is not enough. One has to obtain that goal and there are bound to be obstacles and this is where Martial Arts can help. Martial Arts teach the individual that with hard work, dedication to ones goals, and perseverance the individual can accomplish almost anything just as the aforementioned leaders. It takes a positive mental attitude however. Remember that nothing comes easy in life and anyone that tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something not worth buying. But anything is possible with a proper attitude. Just ask any current black belt and they will tell you with pride that it took dedication, hard work, sweat, and a certain discipline to attain their black belt rank and or the higher level of achievement that they are currently at.

So set goals and stick to them and success is sure to be the end result. And in time you may find yourself a black belt at the head of the class and or an important leader in this world.