Stricklands Martial Arts

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Rock Solid Commitment!

Wow! It’s hard to believe that another year is upon us by. Our school opened August 2001 and has hosted some of the finest Martial arts instructors from around the country including martial arts legends like Mr. Bill “Superfoot” Wallace. During this time the mission of this school has been and still is to make each individual student a success in life through martial arts training. As many of you have found out, this program teaches individuals to be more confident and to follow through with their commitment, by guiding them through a series of small successes, via realistic short-term goals, until ultimately they reach their stellar goal of black belt. Along the way many have, and will, overcome the smaller struggles and some that appear to be too big! In essence they have learned to overcome obstacles while transforming their character in a very positive way.

As an instructor, I have conveyed the importance of commitment to each student that has looked into this program as a way to change their lives. Many people know martial artist are high achievers and that they have all these good qualities like self-control, perseverance, self-confidence, self-respect, and self-discipline. What many don’t realize and understand however is that these same individual student’s have a high level of commitment and that they are dedicated to a certain goal and a high level of success, and that is black belt rank. Sadly many students however will never achieve that goal, but will be happy with their short term commitment and the present rank that they are at. Those that continue to black belt however understand that it takes time, as well as a personal commitment and dedication. These very same individuals will have accomplished what few do. I can recall many instances when certain individuals make a commitment to this program and waver. These people forgot that black belt rank requires a great amount of personal fortitude. These very same individuals probably never finished any thing they ever started. They seem to have a real problem with sticking with things, even though they want to be successful. Had they understood traditional American work ethic, they probably would have resolved any challenge they might have faced and finished what they started, instead of just walking away. These individuals forgot that martial arts training requires a rock solid commitment, one that could and often than not is life changing.

So in the New Year of 2021 stay focused and remember that nothing in life comes easy and that any one telling you different is trying to sell you something not worth having. Remain dedicated to your goal and follow through with your commitment, not just the short term yearly one but the long term black belt one. Remember that with a proper attitude and a strong desire to finish what you’ve started, each individual can reach that ultimate goal of martial arts success and the pride that comes with it, black belt rank and beyond!