Bully Proofing

Bullies have been around since the beginning of civilization, and they aren't going away anytime soon. The U.S. Government's website against bullying provides no sound solution for a child who is targeted by a persistent bully, and the string of highly publicized youth suicides is evidence that the schools cannot be entrusted with your child's safety. Based on our experience, there are only three solutions to bullying:

Bully proof the victim

A confident child is a bully proof child. Here, we try to empower your child with unshakable confidence. They learn the verbal strategies to stand up to bullies, and a series of vital self-defense techniques to keep them safe if they are physically attacked. After all, if all else fails verbally, force must be met with force and violence with violence.

Bully proof the bullies

We believe that bullies are created, not born. Somewhere along the way, bullies learn that the only way to elevate their social status is to utilize any power advantage to harass others. Consequently, the only way to effectively bully proof a bully is to re-educate them regarding the proper use of any power advantage. Befriending is a first step. Reeducation and reprogramming are the next.

Bully proof the schools

To end bullying in America we must bully proof the schools. The only way to bully proof a school is to make intervention the social norm on campus. The challenge we face is that as long as the risk of intervention outweighs the reward for intervention, kids will not step in due to fear of retaliation. The must be taught that it is ok to intervene or even more importantly defend themselves.

Being a student is tough work.

It’s all emotion


Use it or lose it!