Okay, so let’s look at some of the facts and figures about the fabled black belt. In Taekwondo it takes a little over three years to reach black belt. In some Martial Arts systems it may take as many as eight years from white to black belt! In Taekwondo the black belt ranking system starts with the first degree probationary belt and goes as high as ninth degree black belt. Promotions above six degree are based not on a physical test but on years of experience and the amount of time the black belt has committed to the martial arts community as a whole. It usually takes no less than fifteen plus years for a black belt to reach the master status of sixth degree.

So if someone tells you they are a master after only a few years they are pulling your leg. The minimum age for third degree in most systems is thirteen years of age and one must be at least twenty-one to test for fourth degree. There are four ranks in the first degree black belt, three ranks in they and third degrees and two in the fourth. Making it to probationary black belt does not mean you have completed the journey. Probationary is just that, probationary. You have to make it through the recommend rank and to first degree decided to be a fully certified black belt.

The test for this black belt rank is a big deal that requires both physical and mental preparation. Sparring, form, self-defense skills, and board breaking are just a few of the requirements. Many students upon reaching black belt may soon decide to become instructors. The problem with most is that they never fully develop as students and as time passes they accumulate years but not knowledge. Instructor skills require superior communication skills as well as technical and practical skills. This said a student that reaches the rank of black belt is truly an exceptional and dedicated individual as only 2% that start the class make it that far.

Being a student is tough work.

Did you know?


The Journey