The concept of being a warrior can have various meanings depending on the context. Traditionally, a warrior is someone who engages in warfare or battle, often as a member of a military or warrior class. This can involve fighting to defend one's community, land, or ideals.

However, the term "warrior" used here at Strickland’s Martial Arts is used more broadly to describe our students that are expected to exhibit qualities such as courage, discipline, and a commitment to a cause. In a figurative sense, being a warrior means facing challenges head-on, displaying resilience in the face of adversity, and having a determined and focused mindset.

Here are some key attributes associated with being a Strickland ‘s Martial Arts Warrior:

  1. Courage: Our warriors are characterized by their bravery in the face of danger or difficulty. They confront challenges with a strong and fearless attitude.

  2. Discipline: Our warriors typically adhere to a strict code of conduct or discipline. This might involve rigorous training, self-control, and a commitment to ethical principles like the tenets of martial arts.

  3. Resilience: Our warriors are expected to bounce back from setbacks and persevere in the face of adversity. Resilience is a key quality for overcoming obstacles.

  4. Honor and Integrity: Our warrior cultures emphasize the importance of honor and integrity. This involves staying true to one's values and principles, even in difficult situations.

  5. Skill and Training: Our warriors are taught specific skills and undergo training to excel in their roles. This could include self defense skills, strategic thinking, or other specialized knowledge of the arts.

  6. Service to Others: In some contexts, being a Strickland’s Martial Arts warrior is not just about personal achievement but also about serving and protecting others. This can be seen in the dedication to our community or a larger cause.

  7. Leadership: Our warriors are expected to take on leadership roles, guiding and inspiring others through their actions and decisions.

It's important to note that the interpretation of "warrior" can vary widely across different cultures, historical periods, and individual philosophies. In our modern times, the concept of being a warrior is applied metaphorically to various life pursuits where qualities like determination, resilience, and a sense of duty are valued by all.


Being a student is tough work.

Bloom’s Taxonomy and Martial Arts Training


Skills and Drills